
Lipidomic consequences of phospholipid synthesis defects in Escherichia coli by HILIC-ion mobility-mass spectrometry

Our understanding of phospholipid biosynthesis in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is derived from the prototypical Gram-negative organism *Escherichia coli*. The inner and outer membranes of *E. coli* are largely composed of …

Characterization of the mechanisms of daptomycin resistance among Gram-positive bacterial pathogens by multidimensional lipidomics

Previous work suggests that altered lipid metabolism may be associated with daptomycin resistance in Gram-positive pathogens, but lipidomic changes underlying resistance are not fully understood. We performed untargeted lipidomics by using …

Assessment of altered lipid homeostasis by HILIC-ion mobility-mass spectrometry-based lipidomics

Ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) has proven to be a highly informative technique for the characterization of lipids from cells and tissues. We report the combination of hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) with traveling-wave …

Evaluation of collision cross section calibrants for structural analysis of lipids by traveling wave ion mobility-mass spectrometry

Collision cross section (CCS) measurement of lipids using traveling wave ion mobility-mass spectrometry (TWIM-MS) is of high interest to the lipidomics field. However, currently available calibrants for CCS measurement using TWIM are predominantly …

Biomolecular signatures of diabetic wound healing by structural mass spectrometry

Wound fluid is a complex biological sample containing byproducts associated with the wound repair process. Contemporary techniques, such as immunoblotting and enzyme immunoassays, require extensive sample manipulation and do not permit the …